Sunday, September 1, 2013

Resident Evil Revelations (PS3)

Welp, and here goes the first review! I'll try not to epically fail. If anything this is a learning experience for sure. Anyway, drum roll please....

Resident Evil Revelations!

Mind you guys, when I do these I'll always go off the system that I played the game on. I know that Revelations was originally for the 3DS and rated one of the greatest games for it at the time. That being said, I have noooo idea why I didn't pick up a copy, owning a 3DS and all. Still, I'm kind of glad I waited to play on the PS3. I do wish I could see what the WiiU version is like...but I lack the basic requirements, a WiiU.

Okay, okay, but back to this. I honestly don't see why this game received a lot of crap. True Resident Evil fans should know how the series took a major change with Resident Evil 4. That change ended up for the worst, starting with Resident Evil 5 and then of course... Resident Evil 6. So when Revelations came out, it seemed like the series was trying to take a good step towards the original games. Of course, the game play isn't the same;however, the settings and overall creepiness reminded me of the original games.

Now did it deliver like Resident Evil Zero, 1, 2, and 3? Well... Almost. This game seriously could of been a gem the franchise needed. It had key elements to reach the 'gem-status.' The game takes place in between 4 and 5, right in the middle of the ocean on ship Queen Zenobia. Players finally get to use franchise favorite Jill Valentine. She and her new partner, Parker, are searching for Chris Redfield who has gone missing. Right away the game sets up the creepiness factor that the older games are known for. Even the ship gives off the feeling of the Mansion from the original Resident Evil. Not only that, but the enemies don't look like infected humans fans are starting to get used to. These enemies are actually creatures. Slow moving, creepy, moaning creatures. They are a wonderful sight for sore eyes.

That being said, why are some people harsh towards Revelations?

Well, I think it has to do with little things. Depending on your dedication towards the series, these things may not even bother you. For one, the enemies don't really change, asides from the occasional boss fight. Another thing that was slightly annoying was how players had to backtrack several times throughout the ship, searching for rooms players zipped by three chapters earlier. Then of course... there's the two characters Quint and Keith. I won't even waste space on this review about them. Still, those things were deal-able, so what was my problem with it? Well there's two things:

The end and Jessica.

The game was truly enjoyable to play up until the ending towards the game. I'll make sure not to give out any spoilers for you guys, but I can say that the game takes a sudden plummet off an edge and doesn't attempt to save itself. Then when it came to the final boss-horrible, cheap, unfair. I'm not saying this because I can't beat, because I did. It just took me four, long tries.I got to the point where I wanted to rip out a few handfuls of my own hair. Of course, then there was Jessica. She has to be one of the worst Resident Evil characters EVER! The entire time you play as Chris she tags behind you, whining about food, makeup, and dissing Jill because she has the hots for Chris. It's beyond annoying. Lastly, there is her swimming outfit. Guys, just look at it, please. Look at it, and you will all see why I think she is a joke.

Asides from those two main things, the game was overall a joy to play. Campaign mood was a nice throw-back. Raid mode was also fun, online or offline, and worth playing through as well. This game is definitely worth picking up for any survival-horror and Resident Evil fan.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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