Sunday, September 8, 2013

Project Diva F (PS3)

Alrighty guys, it's been a week so guess that what means? Yup, another review and this week's post should be pretty obvious!

Project Diva F!

I wasn't even sure that this game would come to America in the first place. Being the Vocaloid fan I am for several years now, I made sure to pick up my copy the day it came out. Needless to say I was pretty excited, but don't worry, I wouldn't let my biases cloud my review.

Let me start with what the game is about. Matter of fact, maybe I should start with Vocaloid in general. Vocaloids are computer-generated voices. That's right, these singers are not real people. It's pretty nifty what technology can accomplish now of days. Being popular in Japan, these singers managed to have their own game series created called Project Diva, and that's what we have here, only the American version.

Project Diva F is a rhythm game that contains popular music from the Vocaloid singers Miku Hatsune, Rin and Len Kagamine, Luka Megurine, Kaito and Meiko. There are 38 songs in the roaster to choose from, which doesn't sound too bad; however, there are over thousands of Vocaloid songs created, meaning the list isn't even a fraction of the music. The point of the game is to make sure your diva hits all the notes that fly across the screen during your song of choose. These notes will correspond with the controller buttons and analog sticks. Think of the what used to be popular series Guitar Hero- hit the notes, rack up points. The only difference is that this game has music videos in the background that have the tendency to distract the eyes.

When your not playing through the rhythm mode, there is also "Diva's Room." The only room that is available in the start of the game is Miku Hatsune's room. This is where you can befriend the Vocaloids and shower them with gifts. It's a nice touch if your into Vocaloid; otherwise, you will soon grow bored of staring at these Vocaloids unnoticed. It can be an unsettling feeling.

 Overall it's not a bad game, it really isn't. If your into Japanese or Vocaloid music, it is a must have. Reaching high scores and unlocking all the outfits for the characters is entertaining; however, if you are on the other side of that description then it might not be a game for you. Like I said, decent game, but there's a small audience for it here in America. Regardless, I am glad that America did get the chance to get its hands on Project Diva F. So, if you don't mind long loading screens and super cute anime girls, then pick up a copy. Who knows, maybe you've always had a secret love for Japanese music.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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